A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Low-GI Eating Can Control Your Sugar

Millions of overweight people around the world have above normal blood sugar levels, but few realise how dangerous this is.

Should you go vego?

Appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan, are healthful, nutritionally adequate and may help in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases

50 Amazing Years in Space

Robert Wearner takes a look at space travel past-and future.

Cinnamon: Culinary Spice or Medicine?

The discovery that cinnamon can make cells in the body more sensitive to insulin and lower your blood sugar has opened a debate.

Winter Health

With the cold and flu season upon us, it's time to look at ways to boost your immune system. By building up resistance, your body will be better prepared to defend itself when the dreaded winter bugs arrive. Personal trainer Andrew Cate gives five practic

Kids in the Kitchen

Looking for ways to get your kids eating healthier while offering more choice and responsibility? Get them into your kitchen.

Overcome the Top Dieting Pitfalls

Eating right has numerous enemies. Kelly James-Enger reveals four pitfalls that derail healthy diets.

Boost Antioxidants with Herbs

Adding a small amount of herbs-or herb paste-when making a salad or red pasta sauce can more than double the antioxidant value of your meal!

Health Food Fakes

It might say "healthy" on the label but some foods promoted as healthy can be anything but. Andrew Cate investigates some common health food fraudsters.

Smart Beach Eating

If you've worked for months to fit into that bikini, don't blow it once you get to the beach by giving in to greasy takeaways and sugary drinks. Research shows it's very easy to regain lost weight- especially on holidays-so make every mouthful count while

Comfort eating over Christmas

Some people can experience intense loneliness and resort to comfort eating

Good Morning Food

Apart from a breakdown in traditional social networks and relationships, financial stresses, and increased work hours, our diets have changed over the past 50 years.