A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Omega-3 for Vegetarians

While vegetarians may have generally lower intakes of cholesterol and saturated fat, are they getting enough omega-3?

Foods for Mums-To-Be

What you eat during pregnancy influences your baby's future risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Smart Breakfast Ideas for Kids

Breakfast is brain food for kids.

Magic of the Mediterranean diet

Western diets are making us sick, but certain traditional eating patterns can deliver both health and flavour on the one plate.

Heal the Planet

Victor Parachin believes we can all help heal the planet by simply becoming vegetarian.

Had a Gutful?

Do you suffer from unresolved symptoms of irritable bowel, such as bloating, gas, pain, diarrhoea or constipation? New research brings hope: limiting or avoiding FODMAPs in your diet may help.

Does God Care What We Eat?

Charles Mills asks an interesting question: What's on the menu when God fixes the meal? Charles' answer may surprise you!

Love Your Food, But…

Did you know that reducing food waste from leftovers or fresh produce past its optimal date can save you money and help cool the planet?

Fight Obesity in Kids

Obesity in childhood strongly predisposes to obesity in adulthood. Yet many parents are oblivious to the fact that their child is carrying around more than just puppy fat and they assume their child will simply grow out of it.

A Lacto-ovo Vegetarian Diet Versus a Vegan One

Most people think of a vegetarian as someone who doesn't eat meat. But Dr Ross Grant* points out other kinds.

Getting Gluten-Free Fibre

Getting enough dietary fibre from a gluten-free diet.

Soy for Healthy Bones

Many women are fearful of developing cancer but hip fractures are more common than cancer of the breast, cervix and uterus combined. While calcium has stolen the spotlight, researchers have discovered that soy and other plant foods may also be vital ingre