A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Long-term Weight-loss Secrets

Losing weight may seem easy when compared to weight-loss maintenance.

Sue Radd: Every Mouthful Counts

What you eat affects you more than you may think.

A Life Well Lived

Kristel Rae delves into the lives of a remarkable couple-Peter and Joan Ruthven.

Warming Winter Soups

Warm up this winter with a hearty soup and prevent gaining weight!

The Sugar-driven Life

Sweets make life- well- sweeter. But Kim Peckham suggests a healthier way to improve life.

The Real Cost of Upsizing

Bigger portion sizes make you eat more, even if you think the food tastes terrible, according to a new study from Cornell University. Portion size is now thought to be as influential as taste, in determining whether we overeat.

Eat more, Weigh less

People who choose low "energy-dense" diets eat more food (by weight) but consume fewer calories, helping them to better regulate their weight, according to a new study of more than 7000 Americans published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

A Healthy Farm for Healthy Food

A diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains sounds healthy but as Susan Johnstone has found, how that food is farmed makes a big difference.

Pills or Peanuts?

Sometimes fact seems stranger than fiction. Certain high-fat foods, such as peanuts and peanut butter, not only protect us from developing heart disease, but high mono-unsaturated fat diets based on these foods have been found to work better than low-fat

Bread of Life

Not all carbs are bad.

Herbs with an anti-cancer punch

Cancer prevention could be as close as your spice rack, says Winston Craig, a professor of nutrition.

Steps to Health

Simple changes for better health