A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Vitamins Explained From A to K

Everything you've wanted to know about the nutrients your body needs.

Lowering Your Cholesterol

Do you have problems tolerating cholesterol medication, or do you simply wish to avoid it and manage your cholesterol naturally?

Are Supplements Risky?

New research suggests taking high doses of certain supplements could actually do more harm than good.

Why the Bible’s Health Law Still Makes Sense Today

Most people are probably unaware of how much the Bible says about healthful living. Charles Mills reflects on some of these instructions.

How to Fix a Fatty Liver

A fatty liver can arrive like a stealth bomber-without warning pain or nausea to alert you. It has the potential to progress to a more serious chronic liver disease such as cirrhosis, unless you take significant lifestyle action.

Playing with Fire

Barbecues might be a super way to socialise, but throwing another steak on the barbie could be dangerous for your health.

6 Time-Saving Strategies for Healthy Family Meals

Karen Fischer offers busy mums some tips on meal preparation that will give them more time with their families.

The Five Worst Foods in Your Fridge

Feeling sluggish? Lacking concentration or fighting flab? The contents of your fridge may be to blame. The quantity stored there and their position directly influence what you eat and drink. What does your fridge say about you?

Tomato: The Everday SuperFood

Eating more tomatoes daily could make you healthier, protect your skin from sun damage and lower your risk of contracting modern diseases, according to a review of more than 100 studies.

Soy and Breast Cancer

Soy has been hailed as a potential anticancer agent in healthy people, but could its phytonutrients increase the recurrence of breast cancer?

The Coming Food Crisis

Have you noticed that food prices are surging at the supermarkets?

Banish Fussy Eating

Does your child reject food, especially vegetables? Is he or she easily distracted or refuses to sit at the table while eating? Don't be worried-get motivated!