A Christian Perspective on the World Today

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Realistic Expectations: The secret of lasting relationships

Want a long lasting, healthy relationship? Maybe it's time to take stock of your expectations...

A generation that breathes anxiety

In the age of Covid-19, anxiety is more common than ever before. But what is it, and how can we learn to live with it?

Mentors for change

A mentor can be one of the most important people in an individuals life—so how can we make sure we are being good mentors to others?

ABBA, 40 years on: A return with conflict feelings

For many, the announcement of ABBA's imminent reuinion album brought a wave of nostalgia—but is the constant pining for the way things work actually a harmful attitude to have?

The IPCC report: How real is the “Code Red” for humanity?

The IPCC's latest report on Climate Change spells bad news for everybody on Earth. Alina Kartman explains why we should take it seriously.

Will Afghanistan become a hotbed for international terrorism?

In recent weeks, Afghanistan has become a tender spot for the whole world. The Taliban’s new and newly offensive rise to power is a...

Joseph of Nazareth: The virgin’s husband and the Son’s father

He married a pregnant woman and accepted the responsibility of raising and educating a Son who was, because of His divine power, his Father. This was a mission full of risks and challenges for a humble carpenter from Nazareth, who has come to attract the attention and respect of generations.

A street cat named Bob

There are many moments when, in situations that seem to have no solution and everyone has given up believing, especially the one who needs the solution, help comes in a completely unexpected way. For James Bowen, his rescue came in the form of an injured ginger cat.

Who are the Taliban and how did they turn Afghanistan against...

Understanding the Afghanistan crisis in all its history and complexity is needed more than ever before—the lack thereof likely being factors that brought the world to this point.

Why I believe in God

Faith can be difficult at the best of times, let alone the worst. But God can reach out to us in ways which we may not expect...

The end of pharmaceutical drugs?

Research has shown some drugs designed to treat the flu may have little in the way of actual benefits - does this mean the end of the pharmaceutical industry as we know it?

Twenty-first century religion – what does the future look like?

According to Malraux, ”The 21st century will be religious or it will not be" - is this really the case?