A Christian Perspective on the World Today



What happens in our brain and body when we’re in love?

Love dominates our popular culture and is the subject of countless songs, movies, and works of literature and art. But what’s happening in our...

Mother-Daughter Conflict & Why We Hate Those We Love

How favourite colours, late dinners and unwashed clothes can get in the way of the ones who matter the most

The law of love and freedom

Let’s face it, we’re basically selfish. But God offers a new way to be, and a better way to live.


Love and force are mutually exclusive. They can’t even occupy the same emotional space.

The do’s and don’ts of workplace romance

Since so many relationships begin at work, what can we do to keep them as safe and respectful as possible?

A Father’s love

If you're a parent, you've probably caught a glimpse of how God's insistence on justice is just as important as His love.

Frederick’s experiment

Back in the thirteenth century, the king of Sicily, Frederick II, conducted a diabolical experiment intended to discover what language children would naturally grow...

The unexpected meeting

Melissa Howell was shocked to discover that just because she knew and loved him, it didn’t mean she recognised him.

Love anyway

Jesus’ message of love and peace is all very well for safe, suburban churchgoers. But how relevant is it to the harsh realities of life . . . in Iraq, for example? Kent Kingston reports.

Secrets of highly successful marriages

Want a happy marriage? Trafford Fischer looks at research that reveals the characteristics husbands and wives value most.

I’m an atheist too

What kind of god don’t you believe in? Ty Gibson concurs with an atheist’s rejection of a cruel, controlling god.

You will not have my hate

To "not hate" isn't to love. The former leaves one indifferent; the latter brings about lasting change.