A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Colour You Happy

Happiness is . . . ? How would you finish the sentence? What do you think happiness is? Positive psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky, in The...

How to avoid toxic positivity

Expecting to be happy all the time comes with a plethora of side-effects. Maybe learning to live with unhappiness is the key?

The problem of happiness

Many people say they “just want to be happy”. But is that enough or is it better to chase fulfilment and purpose?

Take it outside: 10 great reasons to exercise outdoors

Fresh air, sunshine, trees—what’s not to like about getting fit surrounded by God’s green earth?

Friendship: a priceless gift

Life is full of unexpected detours; having true friends makes all the difference.

The healing powers of camping

Maybe the great outdoors is just what the doctor ordered!

Fatherhood and connection

Stress, overwork, legal troubles, marriage breakdown—there are so many obstacles to overcome in keeping a healthy connection with your kids. Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

The Depression-inflamation link

Lifestyle medicine is showing us more about the simple ways we can improve our health and our mood

Hygge your life

Melody Tan explains a traditional way of thinking that’s putting energy back into our stressed, Western lives.

Can You Buy Joy

The pursuit of happiness is a perennial quest for cost humans. But is it achievable?