A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Answers for Everything

Cristian Copaceanu inspects the judgment scene at the end of the Bible. What will it reveal about God?

Double Click

We all represent something. David Edgren ponders the true nature of God-and His people.

Miscarriage and Me

Caring for others is a delicate thing-especially when considering the loss of life. Kylie Stacey shares her experience.

Going Deeper

Overcoming his fears the sea helped Glenn Townend grow His relationship with God.

Searching for God

Is God hard to find? Rodney Woods offers a good starting point for the search.

The Heart of God

God could have chosen any way of representing Himself to us. Graeme Loftus suggests that He chose to be "our Father" for good reason.

The Inclusiveness of God

Samir Selmanovic reveals the key ingredient in the nature of God that makes Him so compelling.

Riding the Spirit

Life's a journey in many ways. David Edgren shows how his personal and spiritual journey travel together.

The Dream of God

God knows the future. Samir Selmanovic shares some thoughts on how God communicates that knowledge with humanity.

The Humility of God

"Kneel before your king" has been heard by a myriad of subjects. Samir Selmanovic reveals a kingdom where the kneeling is done by the King-a Servant King.

Treasures in Jars of Clay

The stories in the Bible teach the value God places on each of us. Stephanie Fox recalls a few of her favourites.

A Little Thummim to Help you Make up your Mind

Making the right decisions is difficult. Kim Peckham wonders what it would be like to know God's will in all matters.