A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Little Gods

For centuries cultures have created gods to meet their own needs. Loron Wade explores the nature of the one true God and explains the danger of false gods.

True Versus False Worship

I once visited a beautifully ornate temple in northern India. People were filing past the lingam, paying homage with gifts of money and flowers.

Who do you Worship?

Worship is an attitude of the heart. In other words, what we love, we worship. Loron Wade points us to the only God who deserves our love and worship.

Blessings Unexpected

God promises to provide our needs. But sometimes He blesses us with the unexpected and unnecessary! Karen Elengikal rejoices in the grace of God.

The Nurture of God

We are all followers. Those who would rule our lives abound. Samir Selmanavic offers up an invitation to follow, and follow well, a worthy Master.

Dangerous Love

When Mary was called to love, she had no idea what it would cost her. And neither do we. Trudy Morgan-Cole tells the story.

Origin of the Species

Children are often said to have their "father's eyes" or "mother's smile." David Edgren demonstrates that our human nature reveals our heavenly Father.

Betting on God

Odds, are you should.When the deck is stacked, the outcome is inevitable. Derek McCutcheon explores the development of probability theory and the eternal implications.

The Search for Meaning

Whether you are Homer of Iliad and Odyssey fame, or Homer of Simpson fame, you will, it seems, ask the same question, "What is the meaning of life?" Bruce Manners leads us on the hero's quest for answers.

A Leap of Faith

What are you afraid of? Julie Anne Hokin tells her story of conquering her fear of heights!

The People of God

Our Western world is embroiled in an epidemic of individualism. Samir Selmanovic sees in the nature of God and God's creation the power and neccessity of community.

Dealing with Anger

I know God has not brought this upon me but I struggle to understand why He has not stepped in and been more visible in my life.