A Christian Perspective on the World Today

No Limbs, No Limits

Being born limbless has not stopped Nick Vujicic from going places. Glenis Lyndley caught up with Nick to find his motivation.

Our Times: March 2005

Apparently one kiss burns about three calories, while the saliva produced reduces plaque.

The New Information Order

Perhaps the worst aspect of the new information order is its narrowing of our cultural taste and our diminishing appreciation of what is really worthwhile.

Medical Hotline: March 2005

Dr James Wright explains about some medical conditions

Vegging Out

Global concerns about a continuing trend toward obesity and diabetes are leading many to consider changing the way they eat.

No Time to be Moving On

She's our only child, and we're deeply hurt by her attitude, which borders on abusive.

Our Times: January-February 2005

After losing her sight at age 15, a British woman has seen her children and grandchildren for the first time, thanks to her teeth!

Perfect One Day, Precarious The Next

Regardless of where they live, "getting by" on these Pacific islands is a struggle.

Your mobile: miracle or menace

There's no doubt a mobile phone makes for a good friend, but it can also be a hostile enemy-if you let it, reports Glenis Lindley.

Bible Discovery: A Happy New Year

So if money doesn't help, where do you find happiness?

Grit in Your Eyes

Staring at a computer monitor for hours means you blink less often.

B12 for Vegetarians

Strict vegetarians could be putting themselves at risk of a type of anaemia as well as irreversible nerve damage.