A Christian Perspective on the World Today


In a survey of Australian university students, more than eight out of 10 admitted cheating and copying the work of others.

The Heart of God

God could have chosen any way of representing Himself to us. Graeme Loftus suggests that He chose to be "our Father" for good reason.

By Receiving, We Give

When was the last time you received gratefully? Samir Selmanovic explores the difficulty we all have with receiving.

Martin Luther: Rising Sun of the Reformation

Reflecting on the bold life of Martin Luther, Arthur Patrick explores how the light of God's Word was allowed to shine in the dark.

Sue Radd: Every Mouthful Counts

What you eat affects you more than you may think.

Second Coming: Escape or Energiser?

Is faith all about another world or is it about living now? Nathan Brown finds a call to make a difference now in Jesus' promises of the Second Coming.

Our Times: August 2007

Signs is committed to preparing people for the return of Jesus.

Building Good Relationships

Today, nearly 80 per cent of couples live together before marriage. Many live together and never marry.

T-shirt Slogan Accuracy

We are all human billboards- promoting products and attitudes through the clothing we choose to wear. Kristel Rae explains.

St Andrews: Home of the Brave

Nothing makes a place more interesting than knowing it's history. Harold Harker tells some of the stories that make St Andrews a town of interest.

Seeking Out a Prophet

Throughout human history God has sent prophets to reveal His will and His plans. Here's the story of one such prophet and the blessing that resulted from seeking out the prophet of God.

A Symbol of Home

A flag declares much about a nation and her people. Mark Finley flies the flag of Christian commitment, joy and promise.