A Christian Perspective on the World Today



The story of a hobby

Remember when you used to have a hobby? If you're feeling overworked, under stress, or stretched too thin, it may be time you found a new one.

7 Top tips for dealing with difficult people

Before you let others’ annoying behaviour ruin your day, check out these tips.

The do’s and don’ts of workplace romance

Since so many relationships begin at work, what can we do to keep them as safe and respectful as possible?

Are You a Workaholic?

Work is a big part of life—but can people be slaves to it? Bruce Manners goes through practical steps to prevent burnout.

Take a break!

The idea of a sabbatical is catching on, with some businesses essentially paying their employees to NOT work. The benefits of a break, though, are clear.

Bringing Joy to Retirement

Help your parents enjoy the best time of their lives.

Eight Hours

Christine Miles looks at the origins of the normal work day as we know it and why we celebrate Labour Day.

Better Health at Work

Don't let your job kill you.

Combating Workaholism

Winning the war against a modern day affliction for you and your boss

Resources for the Retrenched

With thousands of people out of work, Kezia Hanley gives some personal and professional insights into how to handle being unemployed.