A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Understanding Breast Cancer

October is recognised in many parts of the world as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Melody Tan shares some facts about this disease.

Breast Cancer: How to Lower Your Risk

Kelly James-Enger looks at a number of things women can do to protect themselves from breast cancer.

A Mother’s Love

A more worthy woman would be hard to find. Christine Miles talks to New Zealand's recently crowned "Mother of the Year" Leanne Rouse.

Mark’s Heroines

Four Gospels tell the same story-of Jesus' life and death- each from their own perspective. David Edgren opens Mark's Gospel and finds some unlikely heroines.

Professor Ian Frazer: Australian of the Year 2006

Australian of the Year 2006 talks about life, family, faith and medicine.

Men, Women and Marriage

In Australia, says social researcher Hugh Mackay, 76 per cent of couples cohabit prior to marriage and over 45 per cent of contemporary marriages end in divorce.

The Gender Genesis

In today's world of gender equality, are men and women different? Glenn Townend unpacks the Bible's record of the first humans to reveal the Creator's intention for each of us.