A Christian Perspective on the World Today



The Incredible Life of Vlad Malley

Growing up, I had a wonderful grandpa. I remember him as a kind, hardworking and incredibly selfless man. He was also a quiet, reserved...

Hurry Up, We’re Late

Three sisters, eight days, 6300 kilometres. It was the trip of a lifetime, a spontaneous decision to pack our bags and trade Sydney’s bleak...

A Brief History of Van Life

#Vanlife . . . it’s the aesthetic trend we’ve seen sprawled across the internet in the past decade. The reservoir of photographs framed by...

Travelling with God: how we learn and grow on the journey

Have you ever travelled with someone you thought you really liked, only to see a different side of them as the trip progressed? People...

Coming home

Whether our families are loving or dysfunctional, we all understand the importance of belonging and the pull of home.