A Christian Perspective on the World Today

new zealand


Footsteps of a murderer: lessons from the Port Arthur massacre

What brings a person to use a gun to take the lives of many?

Anzac soldiers speak

Book Review: Anzac Spirituality: The First AIF Soldiers Speak, by Daniel Reynaud

How to give your money away—and make it count

Australia and New Zealand are consistently ranked amongst the most generous nations in the world, but charities and the world around them are moving quickly. Braden Blyde explores the best ways to change lives overseas in an ever-changing world.

Blood in, blood out

“It was pretty clear I was headed for prison or a violent death on the streets. But then came a baby, a bus stop and an ancient Book.” Rome Ulia tells his story.

Seeking a good death: The challenge of legalised euthanasia

Victoria is on track to allow doctor-assisted suicide from next year. New Zealand is not far behind. Bruce Manners examines the issue.

Reaching for the summit

Life is an uphill battle for many marginalised young people in New Zealand, particularly Māori. But educator Julene Duerksen-Kapao has big dreams for these kids and is committed to walking alongside them, one step at a time.