A Christian Perspective on the World Today



How to Grow Together With God

Husbands and wives sometimes have a hard time growing together spiritually. Karen Holford provides some strategies to help.

Too Tired to Love?

The demands of life can cause you to neglect those closest to us

Managing Marriage and Money

Money issues can threaten many a marriage-but they don't have to. Kathryn Lay shares her experience.

The Marriage Act

Wolfgang Jenke investigates the origins of marriage, reaffirming its special status as a creation of God not subject to cultural inclinations and changing times.

The Importance of Marriage and Family

Errol Webster finds out how Jesus defined marriage, its origin and permanence.

Ready for Financial Har-money?

Finances are very divisive issues in some families. Gordon Botting suggests ways to avoid these problems.

Finding Success in Relationships

Maintaining a relationship can be harder than you might think. And it doesn't always have a fairytale ending, as Dillon Cocks points out.

His Role

David Brattston finds out what it means for a husband to be the head of the family with the help of some early Christian writings.

Is Marriage Still Relevant?

Ed Dickerson responds to a question that is being asked more and more frequently these days: Does the piece of paper matter?

Dr Phil’s Grand Appeal

In a world where "for better and for worse" is an anachronism, this guy gives the case for real relationships a chance. And women love him for it, as Lifeguide columnist Trafford Fischer discovered.

How to Really Love: Just For Teens

Love is more art than action. Melanie Winkler gives some insights into this ultimate of all emotions.

Andre Rieu: Facing the Music

Every great musician has lived an intriguing life. Kristel Rae reflects on the story that shaped the fun-loving virtuoso, Andre Rieu.