A Christian Perspective on the World Today



The Compass That Guides Us Home

Years ago, my friends and I got lost hiking. As we trudged through the bush, every tree appeared eerily similar to the last, causing...

The Ten Commandments

The book of Exodus is the second book in the Bible. It follows God’s servant Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery and through...

Laying down the law

It takes maturity to move beyond our knee-jerk resistance to rules and understand the purpose behind them.

Seeking a good death: The challenge of legalised euthanasia

Victoria is on track to allow doctor-assisted suicide from next year. New Zealand is not far behind. Bruce Manners examines the issue.

Dee Dee, the escape artist

The primary purpose of boundaries is not to restrict, but to protect.

The Battle Among Us

Is there an objective standard of right and wrong? Are the Bible's teachings on morality and ethics outdated and out of touch with the world of today?

Learning to Love God’s Law

They're not simply a list of dos and don'ts

The Ten Commandments

In a world full of rules, Errol Webster explains why we need ten more.

The Ten That Set Us Free

God's laws are not meant to be restrictive.

Do Christians Have to Keep God’s Law?

Some Christians say that the Ten Commandments don't apply to God's people after the Cross, but Marvin Moore asks whether this is really true.

High Noon in Jerusalem

What is the nexus between law and grace? Marvin Moore reflects on an incident in the life of Jesus that gives a clue.

A Gift in Time

Exploring the joy of the Sabbath.