A Christian Perspective on the World Today

health research


Go healthy for good – November 2017

New research reveals the toxic relationship between meat consumption and asthma. And why we need to be wary of the centimetres around our waist.

Go healthy for good – June 2017

Want to "liver" good, long life? Think about what and WHEN you eat.

Go healthy for good – May 2017

Why we shouldn't always listen to the doctor. And how fruit and vegetables can help us fight depression and anxiety.

Go healthy for good – March 2017

It's time to take a tough stance on soft drink. And why a routine can help reduce the rotundness in our children.

Lower the GI of your diet

A high glycaemic index (GI) diet isn’t just a sure way to developing diabetes—it is now linked to conditions including acne, polycystic ovarian syndrome and cancer.