A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Forging Resilient Friendships

The whirlwind of activities and deadlines that adult life throws at us often makes us resistant to closeness. We abandon old friends and neglect...

How Our Friendships Change Throughout Life

Throughout the stages of our lives, friendships will come and go. But what do sociologists say is the time most conducive to building lasting relationships

Toxic Friendships – Why Sometimes We Need to “Break Up” With...

“They’re just not that into you” or “they’re using you”—both may be said about romantic relationships, but they can also be applied to your friends. Here’s how you can deal with it.

Friendship: a priceless gift

Life is full of unexpected detours; having true friends makes all the difference.

Saying “I do”

A lot of couples are eloping these days. Is it because they don't value marriage, or because they do?

The old blue couch

What is it that makes some friendships tick and others fade away?

The enemy party

It was a birthday party for two sisters, and only their enemies were invited.

C U Next Week

Loneliness is difficult to deal with, and sometimes so is making friends.

27 Ways to Make Your Marriage Happier

Jay Sheen shares tips on how to make sure your marriage brings you and your spouse more delight.