A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Right place, right time

Believing in God only becomes real when it affects the way you live

The mystery of faith

Will all our questions ever be answered? Or is it best that some things remain unknowable?

Consoling faith

Critics sometimes deride religious faith as a crutch for the weak. They may have a point, but there’s more to the story.

The Jesus paradox

There’s something deeply compelling in the courage of an apparently powerless person. Understanding this soul-response involves a journey to a hill crowned by a cross.

The ultimate cave rescue

The whole world watched as 13 lives hung in the balance, trapped in a Thai cave. But the world itself is also awaiting rescue.

Trusting faith

Do you need to understand something completely before you can trust it? Please, take a seat.

Dystopian future

The constant negative themes running through popular culture are concerning. Is there a better way?

Romance, job hunting and salvation

What has Jesus being doing in heaven since his death and resurrection?

Anzac soldiers speak

Book Review: Anzac Spirituality: The First AIF Soldiers Speak, by Daniel Reynaud

Practising faith

Are you serious about your spiritual life? Maybe you need to spend time not just learning, but putting into practice what you learn.

Mr Eternity: The story of Arthur Stace

Between the 1930s to 1960s, the word eternity was written in chalk around Sydney. The mysterious figure resonsible was Arthur Stace—But who was the real Mr Eternity?

Who made God?

Everything we see and touch had a beginning—something that caused it to exist. Follow the chain of causation back with Sven Östring to discover where everything began.