A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Treacherous waters

Yes, Year 12 is hard—for students and parents. But thousands survive, and even thrive, each and every year.

Fatherhood and connection

Stress, overwork, legal troubles, marriage breakdown—there are so many obstacles to overcome in keeping a healthy connection with your kids. Yes, it’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

A Father’s love

If you're a parent, you've probably caught a glimpse of how God's insistence on justice is just as important as His love.

Hello son . . . . G’Day Dad

The surprising origins of Father's Day and some top tips for being a better dad

Dealing with the baby blues

Most of us don’t expect the birth of a baby to bring sadness or depression, but it’s more common than many realise—for both mums and dads. Julie Guirgis offers some practical tips.