A Christian Perspective on the World Today

Bjorn Karlman


From bad, to worse . . . to better?

Feeling defeated by 2020 yet? The state of the world is leaving people depressed and hopeless. Is there a way out?

Saved from myself

One of the most exciting days of my 13-year-old life was turned upside down in an instant. I would have loved to pin the blame on someone else, but it was all my fault.

Read the manual

Would you like to achieve “expert status” on your job? How about in life? There’s an excellent manual that can show you how.

Not too young to lead

The media is fond of using religious language to describe the actions and appeal of teenage climate activist, Greta Thunberg, even calling her a “prophet”. Is she a prophet, biblically speaking? Do genuine prophets exist in the modern age?

The love of family

Sometimes it takes hard times for us to realise just how vital our families are.

Fighting FOMO

You’ll never keep up. You’ll never have enough. You’ll never be enough. It’s time to opt out of the relentless cycle of more, more, more.

Wedding jitters and life transitions

Being married “ ‘til death do us part” is a big deal, so how much more important is the baptismal commitment, which is intended to last into eternity?!

God’s amazing gift

The gift of the French language changed my life, but it’s just a tiny glimpse of the transformation offered by God’s gift of eternity.

Laying down the law

It takes maturity to move beyond our knee-jerk resistance to rules and understand the purpose behind them.

At home with family

At its best, a church community provides the warmest embrace.

Getting along like a house on fire

Jesus prayed that His followers would have true unity.

A Father’s love

If you're a parent, you've probably caught a glimpse of how God's insistence on justice is just as important as His love.