A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Lessons from the radiotherapy room

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating. But it can also be a wake-up call and an opportunity to reset your priorities.

Staying healthy over the festive season

Most people don’t want to give up their favourite foods during the Christmas season. But there are things you can do to avoid gaining weight.

Add Some Almonds

Almonds come as whole, blanched, slivered, flaked and ground. And their culinary versatility is matched by their ample health benefits.

Super Sprouts

Remember when alfalfa was in sandwiches and at salad bars? Sprouts are becoming popular again, and now many more kinds are available.

Boost Antioxidants with Herbs

Adding a small amount of herbs-or herb paste-when making a salad or red pasta sauce can more than double the antioxidant value of your meal!