A Christian Perspective on the World Today

The Two Faces of Beauty

Is beauty truly only skin-deep?

God’s Medieval Makeover

In the midst of the horrors of oppression, plague and poverty, a new way to be human emerged, changing the world forever.

How Pain Heals

How painful trends like ice baths, saunas and silent retreats can help us fight addictions and find a balance in a dopamine-driven world.

Just Breathe: The Spirit That Gives You Life

Breathing teaches us how the Holy Spirit works in our lives.

Influential vs Influencer

Seeking role models in a world where influence is marked by your social media following.

How Chefs Became Celebrities

How looked-down-upon cooks became household names

Breathe Deep: An Interview on Vaping with Professor Renee Bittoun

Hear from a respiratory expert on the incredible dangers of vaping—and how to help your addicted friends or family members.

Is the Israel-Hamas War the Beginning of the End?

What role does Israel play in end-time events? Are we seeing history unfold before our eyes?

The World Game

Lucy Martin described her life before knowing Jesus as a “tumultuous journey of trials, tribulations, ups, downs, heartache, success, fear, love and many, many,...

You’re Gifted Whether You Know It Or Not

There’s something lying on a massive table. It’s a huge picture. You move closer and see that the design is made up of individual...

The Incredible Life of Vlad Malley

Growing up, I had a wonderful grandpa. I remember him as a kind, hardworking and incredibly selfless man. He was also a quiet, reserved...