A Christian Perspective on the World Today

Anti-reflux Guidelines

Gastroesophageal reflux (or heartburn) is a common condition that causes a burning sensation in the chest and can lead to ulcers or even cancer of the oesophagus.

Is The Sky Falling?

With the recent rise in natural disasters is the planet telling us something?

The Numbers Add Up

How much evidence does it take to move something from the realm of faith to fact? Robert Wolfgramm considers one such case.

Men, Women and Marriage

In Australia, says social researcher Hugh Mackay, 76 per cent of couples cohabit prior to marriage and over 45 per cent of contemporary marriages end in divorce.

Pride Goeth …

A biblical example of how to deal with pride in your own life

Waiting for a Better Place

Jesus is coming again!

City Smog

Smog and pollution in the air can either cause or aggravate asthma.

The Gender Genesis

In today's world of gender equality, are men and women different? Glenn Townend unpacks the Bible's record of the first humans to reveal the Creator's intention for each of us.

Herbs with an anti-cancer punch

Cancer prevention could be as close as your spice rack, says Winston Craig, a professor of nutrition.

The Gospel and the Resurrection

Follow the apostle Paul to the ancient town of Corinth to learn about life, death and the future life.

Weet-Bix Billy Cart Grand Prix

A school promoting fun and healthy living for the whole family.

Office Munchies

If you find yourself reaching into the office biscuit tin to ward off hunger, alleviate boredom or satisfy a bad habit, think again! The fix will not give you lasting energy and, worse still, will add to your waistline!