A Christian Perspective on the World Today

Suffering Infertility, Grief, and God

Colin Renfrew opens his heart and tells his story.

Healing Love

What happens when your private demons start hurting those around you? Jennifer Schwirzer, pictured, shares her journey of both spiritual and physical healing.

John Wycliffe: the Reformation’s Morning Star

Travel back in time with Arthur Patrick to an English churchyard in 1428. As robed churchmen watch intently, a man's bones are unearthed and thrown on a blazing fire. Why must all memory of him be destroyed?

A Little Thummim to Help you Make up your Mind

Making the right decisions is difficult. Kim Peckham wonders what it would be like to know God's will in all matters.

Eat more, Weigh less

People who choose low "energy-dense" diets eat more food (by weight) but consume fewer calories, helping them to better regulate their weight, according to a new study of more than 7000 Americans published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Single mum with four girls

My biggest concern is that my girls do not want to go to church with me anymore. They have thrown away the values I taught them.

Blessings Unexpected

God promises to provide our needs. But sometimes He blesses us with the unexpected and unnecessary! Karen Elengikal rejoices in the grace of God.

Pills or Peanuts?

Sometimes fact seems stranger than fiction. Certain high-fat foods, such as peanuts and peanut butter, not only protect us from developing heart disease, but high mono-unsaturated fat diets based on these foods have been found to work better than low-fat

Our First Love

Here are really only two views as to where life came from: either evolution or creation.

Cappadocia: Turkey’s Hidden City

One of the planet's most unique landscapes is also the home of much early church history, as Harold Harker explains.

My Valentine, Melvin

Receiving Valentines Day gifts has both an upside and downside, as Lynn Ruth Miller found out.

Meeting Your Deepest Needs

Have you ever felt like giving up? Mark Finley offers us a friend and so much more. We can find peace in this turbulent world.