A Christian Perspective on the World Today

whole foods


Which fruit should you eat?

Healthful fruits don’t have to be exotic or expensive. You just need to eat them every day for wellness.

Potato swaps

Just how healthful a humble potato can be largely depends upon how you prepare it.

Tips for a healthier pasta

Many people have a love-hate relationship with pasta because they fear they’ll gain weight. However, the problem isn’t the pasta but how it’s cooked, the portion size and the toppings we use in Western countries.

Review: Food as Medicine

Better health is achievable—Adele Nash is proof of that. And according to Food as Medicine, the best place to begin is in the kitchen.

Anti-inflammatory eating

Silent, chronic, widespread inflammation in the body is now recognised as a key driver for degenerative diseases. And what you eat can either dampen or drive this process—in children and adults alike.

Staying healthy over the festive season

Most people don’t want to give up their favourite foods during the Christmas season. But there are things you can do to avoid gaining weight.

Gluten-free diets

Is it good to go gluten-free?

Making healthy burgers

While for a meat-eater a juicy burger can be one of life’s pleasures, most food such as this can bring on chronic disease.