A Christian Perspective on the World Today



From Heroin to Heroine

From a dream of becoming an actor to a life of drugtaking and prostitution, Bronwen Healy fell to where only God could pick her up, as Joanne Brian tells.

The Day God Saved Johnny Cash

The love that gave him new life

God Carried my Baby

A serious heart condition threatened Karen Elengikal and her unborn child. Then God stepped in.

A Gift of Friendship

From the former USSR to Australia is a long way to travel, but from agnostic to believer is even further, as Reg Brown tells.

The Night That Changed My Life

At around 2 am, after a night of dancing, and on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Ian Grice encountered something that brought him to his knees, then a lifetime of service for Christ.

A Mothers Faith

When her son contracted meningitis this mother turned to God for help.

Jason Smith, Basketball Giant

He prays before he plays, so really, how relevant is God in his life?

No Limbs, No Limits

Being born limbless has not stopped Nick Vujicic from going places. Glenis Lyndley caught up with Nick to find his motivation.