A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Why losing weight gets harder with age

Some valuable information to help tip the scales in your favour.

Saved from myself

One of the most exciting days of my 13-year-old life was turned upside down in an instant. I would have loved to pin the blame on someone else, but it was all my fault.

Expected Messiahs

The world’s major religions are all expecting the arrival of the prophesied Chosen One. How can we know which of them are right, and what does this say about our human longings?

Chasing success

From frustration and emptiness to peace, love and hope.

The best fit

Trading 2020 fashion trends for a look to the past, while saving my wallet, sanity and the environment.

A baby, a spoon and a lesson in letting go

Feeding a baby can get messy; parenting even more so. But the ultimate challenge comes when we hear Jesus’ voice say, “Follow Me.”

What’s wrong with voluntary euthanasia?

New Zealand is faced with a historic vote on euthanasia this month, and who knows when other Australian states will follow Victoria’s lead? What do the results of legalisation in other countries tell us about the risks to vulnerable people?

Breaking the cycle

Every generation is expected to face a crisis. Are we in the middle of ours?

Read the manual

Would you like to achieve “expert status” on your job? How about in life? There’s an excellent manual that can show you how.