A Christian Perspective on the World Today



A Bright Day in Brighton

Something strange was happening in Middle Brighton, Victoria. A “cotton city” of 100 white tents had appeared in a 10-acre field, planted with military precision (except...

Do You Need A Screen-Free Sabbath?

I am from the last generation to have had an analog childhood—a “Xennial” (the micro-generation between Gen X and Millennials born between 1977 and...

The Surprising Power of Sabbath

Has your week been a stinker? Maybe your work has been filled with relentless deadlines or perhaps your education has been overfilling your brain...

The Ten Commandments

The book of Exodus is the second book in the Bible. It follows God’s servant Moses leading the Israelites out of slavery and through...

Rest for a restless world

In a world that is constantly moving, working and striving, it can be difficult to truly rest. One day a week offers a path to peace unlike any other.

A return to peace

Could keeping just one day a week 'special' save you from burnout?

Sabbath: The special day of self care

In a world of self-care, people are rediscovering an ancient practice that is good for the individual and their community.

Remember to rest

A life spent spinning frantically around and around will leave you dizzy. It’s important to stop. Here’s how.

How to celebrate Sabbath

Catch a glimpse of how Sabbath observance brings families and communities together

The Sabbath community

The ancient practices of Sabbath observance offer the opportunity to build deeper relationships that are more healing and ask more of us.

Are You a Workaholic?

Work is a big part of life—but can people be slaves to it? Bruce Manners goes through practical steps to prevent burnout.

From Sunday to Sabbath

Doug Batchelor explains why he switched from observing the Sabbath on Sunday, the first day of the week, to observing it on Saturday, the seventh day.