A Christian Perspective on the World Today



Your Special Day

One whole day a week to disconnect from the busyness of your life? David Edgar shows you how to obtain its full benefits.

Church: Love Me and Leave Me!

The Christian community needs to guard its doors. Especially the back one. John Blacker, an ordained minister, explains.

9 Tips for Taming Tempers

Karen Holford shares how to manage your anger-and help other people manage theirs as well.

Is the Glass Half-Full?

Trafford Fischer figures out what it takes to be happy.

Ready for Financial Har-money?

Finances are very divisive issues in some families. Gordon Botting suggests ways to avoid these problems.

What’s Growing on Your Family Tree?

Family therapist Karen Holford believes exploring your family tree can actually help you understand it better.

Love Is…

The word love has a hundred meanings. But when Sally Salmond saw one, she recognised it instantly.

Dr Phil’s Grand Appeal

In a world where "for better and for worse" is an anachronism, this guy gives the case for real relationships a chance. And women love him for it, as Lifeguide columnist Trafford Fischer discovered.

How to Really Love: Just For Teens

Love is more art than action. Melanie Winkler gives some insights into this ultimate of all emotions.

Andre Rieu: Facing the Music

Every great musician has lived an intriguing life. Kristel Rae reflects on the story that shaped the fun-loving virtuoso, Andre Rieu.

Learning to Have a Voice

My problem is that I am feeling a restlessness I cannot suppress. I long to make my own decisions and take charge of my own life.

Talking about Depression

My doctor increased my antidepressant dose. This has resulted in side effects, such as a dry mouth and tingling in my hands.