A Christian Perspective on the World Today



The Journey to Financial Freedom

Money . . . It’s the grease that makes the world go round, yet it’s one of the least chosen table topics of choice....

Your ally against debt and poverty: the Church

So many families are struggling financially, drowning in debt with no rescue in sight. Could the solution be as close as the church down the street?

The gift or the present?

Life is a gift and an opportunity to show others how awesome God is, because He is the one who gave it all in the first place.

Financial apocalypse?

What possible reason could God have for allowing a global economic meltdown?

Dodging debt

Loans look so quick and easy—they get us what we want, now! But then there's the debt trap . . .

7 ways to help the poor

Overwhelmed by the scale and complexity of poverty around the world? Here are some simple tips to get you started on the road to generosity.

Hard luck

While regulators ignore appeals from the grassroots, the gambling industry continues to gobble up profits. All just harmless fun? Don’t bet on it.

Unethical but legal

What do the Panama Papers teach us about the law and morality?

Living with fewer regrets

All of us have done more than enough to cringe in the dark about. But there are ways to have fewer regrets.

Greed in the last days

How we relate to wealth will become an issue as the final events of earth’s history unfold.

Be the master of your money

How can we make money work for us? How do we become its master?

Can You Buy Joy

The pursuit of happiness is a perennial quest for cost humans. But is it achievable?