A Christian Perspective on the World Today

jesus death


Quadratic equations and Jesus

Jesus' life + Death = Being saved. It's a formula we often speak about, yet one that is incomplete.

From bad, to worse . . . to better?

Feeling defeated by 2020 yet? The state of the world is leaving people depressed and hopeless. Is there a way out?

Saved from myself

One of the most exciting days of my 13-year-old life was turned upside down in an instant. I would have loved to pin the blame on someone else, but it was all my fault.

The view from the cross

Charles Mills reflects on what—and who—Jesus saw as He hung crucified between heaven and earth.

Passover: Why is this night different?

It’s no accident that Christian Easter and Jewish Passover occur around the same time every year. These ancient festivals are inextricably linked, explains Bob Mendelsohn, and perhaps even in ways that most Jews and Christians don’t understand.