A Christian Perspective on the World Today



A Nobel Cause

For more than 100 years, Nobel Prizes have been awarded each December 10th-the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death-for great achievements that benefit mankind. Susan Johnstone relives the life of the man behind the awards.

The Return of the Princess

Alan Holman tells the story-behind-the-story of a remarkable woman and her place in Australian history.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: exemplary Christian and martyr

Many people choose to serve by following. Arthur Patrick looks at the life of one man who chose to serve by leading- at the cost of his life.

Martin Luther: Rising Sun of the Reformation

Reflecting on the bold life of Martin Luther, Arthur Patrick explores how the light of God's Word was allowed to shine in the dark.

John Huss: Bohemian Reformer

Arthur Patrick reveals the heart of a man willing to die-being burned at the stake-for his beliefs.


Is it possible that someone could give their life to save us all and yet be largely unknown? James Cullen tells one such story.

William Tyndale: The Sword and the Word

Arthur Patrick explores the lifework of William Tyndale, who said, "As a good surgeon cutteth away a putrefyed member, for the love he hath for the hole body, least it infecte the others members adjoynge to it."

Still a Hero

It is never easy to send someone off to war.Norman Young reflects on his father's heroic life.

The Kokoda Track

Andrew Cate walked the Kokoda Track with six friends looking for adventure, and a better insight into a significant part of Australia's war history.

Honouring Those Who Served

"War is all hell," said US General William Tecumseh Sherman after the American Civil War, a battle which, less than 100 years after America's birth, threatened to rip the nation asunder.

John Wycliffe: the Reformation’s Morning Star

Travel back in time with Arthur Patrick to an English churchyard in 1428. As robed churchmen watch intently, a man's bones are unearthed and thrown on a blazing fire. Why must all memory of him be destroyed?

The Gospel and the Resurrection

Follow the apostle Paul to the ancient town of Corinth to learn about life, death and the future life.