A Christian Perspective on the World Today

God and Jesus


The most misunderstood of loves

The tension between a loving God and earthly pain is one that has confounded many—but there are a group of people who have dedicated themselves to providing answers and clearing up misconceptions.

Who is Jesus?

Is Jesus a myth, a regular man or God? It’s time to examine the available evidence about whether Jesus really walked on earth—and what that says about who He really is.

Finding the truth in the age of deepfakes

New technology is allowing ultra-realistic renderings of people’s faces and voices into videos where they are not present. What was once a harmless joke now has the potential to unsettle the world.

Is Jesus the only way to God?

This seemingly innocent question has probably caused more unrest in the past 2000 years than any other.

God with us: Jesus the Son of God

God so desperately wanted to be close to us that He sent His beloved Son to be born as a human baby, to live among us and to give Himself as a willing sacrifice. There’s only one thing left to do, and it depends on you and me.