A Christian Perspective on the World Today



A Birthday Out of the Blue

Until that point in our marriage, my wife and I had shared a car. She worked in the city, close to public transport and...

One lottery ticket… and an unexpected ending

It's said that money makes the world go round... which makes this story of generosity all the more surprising.

Fatherhood and generosity

We’re living in a selfish world and when kids won’t share their toys it shows that the problem is fairly universal. Welcome to the challenge of teaching humility and generosity to your children and, hopefully, helping them to grow into happy and well-adjusted adults.

The art of forgiveness

To forgive someone who has hurt you takes commitment and discipline, but the positive results are worth it.

7 ways to help the poor

Overwhelmed by the scale and complexity of poverty around the world? Here are some simple tips to get you started on the road to generosity.

Giving away to gain

Generosity is far more valuable than you might think.

The gift of giving

Daryn Graham tells how the Christians in the mid first century AD shared their personal wealth to assist fellow church members in a crisis.

Is sharing caring?

Do the promises of the “new economy” of a better community and a gentler impact on the environment stand up?

Joy Amid Poverty

Oceans separate them, but they share the same hope.

Melissa Doyle: Raising My Voice

Former Sunrise co-host Melissa Doyle speaks about her mission to help make the world a better place.

The Best Food is Made at Home

TV chef and cooking show judge, Anna Gare, on eating well.

A Special Gift at Christmas

A divine token of love