A Christian Perspective on the World Today



The view from the cross

Charles Mills reflects on what—and who—Jesus saw as He hung crucified between heaven and earth.

Beating bitterness

When life knocks you down, you can do better than getting bitter. Victor Parachin shares some practical tips.

Love anyway

Jesus’ message of love and peace is all very well for safe, suburban churchgoers. But how relevant is it to the harsh realities of life . . . in Iraq, for example? Kent Kingston reports.

The power of forgiveness

You can nurse your hurt feelings for a long time with a grudge, but Loren Seibold reflects on a solution that’s much more satisfying—and it’s permanent.

When your best isn’t good enough

Jon Paulien explores what being “good enough” really means.

Can God ever stop loving me?

When we mess up, our next step should be to run to, not from, the One who loves us most.

A step too far

A chance meeting at a church door led to a life-saving conversation.

Saving my assassin

“I should be dead,” says Virginia Prodan, “buried in an unmarked grave in Romania. Obviously, I am not. God had other plans.”

Declared innocent

It’s easy to become discouraged when you try to overcome a sin, only to find yourself falling right back into it. But there is a solution.

Are You Too Sinful to be Saved

Some people believe that they are so sinful God couldn’t possibly be interested in saving them. Marvin Moore responds to this fear.

A Different Plan

When I was a little girl, I would go stay at my grandmother’s house just to be away from home. My parents didn’t love one another.

Five Questions with Peter Cousens

Australian musical theatre icon Peter Cousens is the director of the film Freedom, which tells the incredible story of the Underground Railroad in the 1850s and two men separated by 100 years, yet united in their search for freedom.