A Christian Perspective on the World Today

December 2019


You are owned . . . and that’s not a bad...

The trajectory of the Toy Story franchise tells us something about the direction of our culture’s soul.

The suicide plant

Touching the Dendrocnide moroides plant has driven people to pain-induced insanity. How can a harmless-looking plant be so evil?


Looking forward to Jesus’ coming changes not only our view of the future, but the way we live today.

The Christmas invasion

The season of giving marks a turning point in the great cosmic battle for our planet . . . and our hearts.

5 Reasons the world needs a wake-up on religious persecution

In various parts of the globe, believers face the daily threat of death. Here are some of the conflicts that don’t always make the news.

Cold concrete

Sleeping on the streets gave me a tiny insight into the soul-destroying reality of homelessness.

Share the Christmas story

Find out where to catch your nearest 'Road to Bethlehem' or similar event

Brave enough to listen

Yes, it’s uncomfortable to think about domestic violence, let alone confront it. But the alternative is unthinkable.

How to be good . . . and angry

Toxic anger can destroy friendships and tear families apart. But that doesn’t mean anger can’t be managed well or even harnessed for good.