A Christian Perspective on the World Today

The Nurture of God

We are all followers. Those who would rule our lives abound. Samir Selmanavic offers up an invitation to follow, and follow well, a worthy Master.

Alone for Christmas

Those separated from loved ones need not despair.

Christmas at Our Place

Every family has its own traditions that make Christmas authentic. Harold Harker explores his past and the future.

Keeping the Angels Busy

Steve Plahn always greets you with a friendly smile. He looks well, happy and full of energy, but that was not the case on August 2, 2005, reports Warren Somerville.

Dangerous Love

When Mary was called to love, she had no idea what it would cost her. And neither do we. Trudy Morgan-Cole tells the story.

Medical Hotline: December 2006

Medical Hotline with Dr James Wright

You are Never Alone

Christmas is meant to be a symbol of hope. It tells us we are not alone, that there is a Person behind the cosmos who cares.

The Real Deal

Is Jesus really the Son of God? Check out some Bible prophecies with Bob Donaldson that give a clear answer.

Taking the Humbug out of Christmas Finances

Ebenezer Scrooge's three spirits of Christmas still live on if you let them. Gordon Botting suggests three ways to save money without losing spirit.

How Kids Manipulate Us

We've all seen them in the shopping centre- kids who control their parents. But what do we do when we get home and discover they are our kids? Susan Davis makes some helpful suggestions.

Our New Religion

Nathan Brown considers an obsession described as our new national religion-and the alternative.

More Than a Good Idea

The gift of music as embodied by Australia's most successful acappella group - The Idea of North